Videos for Edexcel GCSE Computer Science (2020)
The index below allows access to this websites videos that support the New Edexcel Computer Science Specification.
1.2 Algorithms
2.1 Binary
- Number Systems Introduction >>
- Binary Patterns >>
- Binary Number System >>
- Denary to Binary Base Change >>
- Binary to Denary Conversion >>
- Binary to Hexadecimal Conversion >>
- Hexadecimal to Binary Conversion >>
- Finding the 1's Complement >>
- Finding the 2's Complement >>
- Quick 2's complement >>
- Unsigned Binary Numbers >>
- Signed Binary Numbers >>
3.1 Hardware
3.2 Software
6.2 Constructs
- Python Variables and Data Types >>
- Python Assignment Statement >>
- Python Assignment Operators >>
- Python Augmented Assignment Operators >>
- Naming Python Variables >>
- Pythons Case Sensitivity >>
- The Sequence Structure >>
- The if Selection Construct >>
- The if... else Selection Construct >>
- Boundary testing the if ... else Selection Construct >>
- Nested Selection Constructs >>
- The elif Selection Construct >>
- The while iteration (repetition loop) >
- Pythons Relational Operators (making decisions) >>
- Multiple Conditional Tests (and paths) in a Python program >>
- Pythons range function >>
- The for loop iteration >>
6.5 Operators
6.6 Subprograms
- Pythons ord() function >>
- Pythons chr() function >>
- Pythons print() function >>
- Pythons abs() function >>
- Why we have Python functions >>
- Python User Defined Function >>
- How to design a Python function >>
- Python Function with arguments and no return value >>
- Python Function with no arguments but return value >>
- Python Function with no arguments and no return value >>
- Python Keyword Arguments for functions >>
- Python Default Arguments for functions >>
- Local and Global Variable Scope >>
- Lifetime of Variables >>
- In functions do not directly access global variable >>
- Python Parameter Passing Mechanism >>